Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday 30th Jan.

I came to post all that I have done today...and realised that I haven't done enough.  Not as much as yesterday which probably should be the minimum...

So, I'm off to do some more laps...Back soon.

OK, done another round of laps then 35min mowing.

Happy with that but would have liked another round of laps in there mid afternoon but I *forgot*  Tomorrow...

I'm trying to get the front garden cleared out and get caught up with that so am not doing the laps like planned...Maybe I need to set an alarm...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday and Sunday.

Well I moved.
Not a lot on Saturday but something and more today. 
And that's what I'm talkin' about!

Saturday was a few laps around the backyard.  Today was the same amount of laps but a few times over the day.  AND!!!! There was a bikeride in there as well.  Short ride but done.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Get Fitter. By Friday...

OK, who would have believed that it's been a month or so since I came here.  I think because I am not coming here I am not focusing on getting fitter.  So I have decided that I will come here more often to write something.  To write anything.  Regardless of how bad I have been at becoming fitter I will still come here and post.  It will, I'm sure, make me realise what a great SA I am and it will make me totally ashamed for you all to see that and I will start moving and become fitter to show everyone that I can.   I'm sure that makes sense somehow, to someone...

It is Saturday.  I am fat and unfit but I WILL be fitter by next Friday.   FitterByFriday.  Thats what the header says and that is what my head will say.  I will be fitter.  By next Friday.  So, By next Friday I will be fitter than I am right now. 

I will go have a cup of tea and come up with a plan.  It might involve a Vision Board...It will involve some moving.