Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday 12th.

We had our local show today, I don't usually go but this time had volunteered to work on the gates for a bit so did go in after that was finished.  I'm pleased that I didn't have a chocolate coated icecream even though *everyone* else was having one and I wanted one too.  I didn't have chips or a hot dog or fairy floss.  Pretty pleased with that.   Lots of walking there and I rode the bike into daughters place then walked to the oval so moving goal was well and truly reached.
  • 1 - Daily post  1
  • 4 - 2 litres of water
  • 5 - Food diary  5
  • 5 - No eating after 9 pm (or 2 hours before bed if that works for you)  5
  • 5 - 30 mins of exercise (can only count once a day)  5
  • 5 - an extra 15 mins of exercise (can only count once a day)  5
  • 5 - no sugary treats (you define this - my definition includes snacky carbs, 2nd glass of wine, any wine other than red, bread and of course, sugary items)  5
And then whichever ONE of these options suits you best:
  • 10 - Made up of 3 serves vege (5 points) and an extra 2 serves vege (5 points)  10
  • 10 - Made up of 3 serves vege (5 points), 2 extra serves of vege (3 points) and 2 serves fruit (2 points)
  • 10 - Made up of 5 different veges (5 points) and two different fruits (5 points) (This helps if the quantity of 7 serves is just too much to take in.)
  • 10 - Keeping to food plan/calorie intake   
 The trick is to aim for 40/40 points on any given day.

So,  36  points for today, Saturday 12th.  Not enough water, again.  So close though...

Vegies.  Home from show.
Eggs x 2 boiled.

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