Sunday, August 18, 2019

Crooked Brook Forest Walk August 2019

I was feeling too lazy to do steps today but daughter T rang and asked if I was interested in going for a drive...And maybe a yeah, why not.  One of our stops was Crooked Brook Forest where we planned on going for a walk.
But which one?  How fit were we feeling?  How much time did we have?  How far could the 3 year old walk? How far could the 30 year old walk while carrying a 6 week old baby?  So many questions...We chose not to walk10km...

 Lots of wildflowers in the surrounding bush, white ones and yellow ones...
 So, the bridge or the fallen down tree?  OK, tree bridge it is.

We had a decent walk, got up a bit of sweat, had fun, no yowies were seen, we had fun.  We will be back and one day maybe we will do the 10 km walk.  We'll see.

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