Saturday, April 11, 2020

10/4/'20 - ...

It's Saturday 11th April 2020.  No ride again yesterday.  I eat too much crap when I don't go for the ride, seems the less I do the more I eat.

If I start doing things after my morning coffee, like dishes, cat, chooks, watering, computer, and then it gets too late/too hot I am less likely to get on the bike.   Seems I have to get this done first thing, after coffee, otherwise there are no guarantees.  But it is sometimes too windy so hard to ride in the mornings.

Sat 11th April.  8km bikeride.  Knee a tad achy on the way back but only for a bit.  OK now.  Hands same, bit tingly and still feel them now, but will shake it out and be fine.  And just like that it is nearly 8oclock and gunna be warm out there.  Spent most of the day outside so ate less crap.  And lots of grass was removed from around the orange trees and edges of gardens.  I'll feel that tomorrow.

12th Easter Sunday - 8km this morning.  Wasn't feeling it this morning so thought I'd just go to the corner and back, then thought I'd get to the old dairy, before I knew it I was at the guinea fowl curve so may as well go all the way and turn around at Whettem...  The rest of the day was a wipeout though, just wasn't up to anything.

13th  7km this evening.  Really couldn't be fagged this morning.  And husband was home and up early so that put me behind...  Late afternoon I had a message from grandaughter asking if I wanted to go for a ride so we organised it and went.  So big thanks to J for that 'cause I probably wouldn't have gone otherwise.

14th  12km.  Now that is impressive!  Grandaughter came with me again so we planned on doing the same ride as yesterday but she said she was willing to go further and see what my usual ride was. So I arranged to meet her at our meeting spot then we both rode back past our place and up the road and around the corner.  She was fine to keep going and OK to keep going still when we reached the curve.   So up to the corner then turn around for the ride home.  We did call in to our place so she could fill her water bottle then back to where we met so she could continue home.  Then I turn around and come back home.  My riding in to meet her adds an extra km each way so that's where the extra 4 came from today.

15th  Didn't do anything all day and really couldn't be fagged...But ended up riding to the corner and back so 3km.

16th  Nothing.

Fri 17th  No ride today either...Hohum...

Am I fitter than last week?   Who know, I think I need a testing kit of some sort.  I am riding further than when I started but not riding every day.  Did 12km one day this week but then had 2 days of nothing.  Will try and not do less next week.


  1. I have the same problem, if I don't go for my walk first thing, well, sometimes it doesn't happen. ho hum. Feel much better once I have done it so that should be motivation enough you would think!! And it is just too easy to eat rubbish when you aren't motivated :( Can't believe the temperatures you are getting over there, no wonder you need to do it first thing.....getting an arctic blast here in vic, which is fine when the wind is behind me heading out, but coming back home, well, the brain freeze !! lol. keep up the good work, you can do it !!

    1. Hi Joy. Yes I always feel better for the ride, aren't we funny. Just do it, that should be my motto.
      Looks like I need to re-read things before I publish, that's all a bit disjointed isn't it. So thanks for reading, understanding it and commenting. I will edit it I think.
