Monday, December 31, 2012

Last 3 days.

I haven't achieved much over the last few days.  It has been hot but I could have made more of an effort to get out earlier and now wonder why I didn't. 

Saturday.  Walked, walked and walked some more.  We also ate too much icecream and had hot chips for tea so it was just as well I walked.  We had been away overnight and when we reached our town we decided to buy chips for tea...Now I had this *great* idea to walk home from the chip shop while husband waited for the chips to be ready.  So I started walking...I wasn't far down the road before I starting regretting it but it was quite a while before he came along so I could flag him down and get a lift the rest of the way...
Sunday.  Apart from a bit of swimming I didn't do much moving at all.  The heat is starting to get to me or I was just too lazy and I left it too late to go then couldn't be bothered. 
Monday.  Last day of 2012 today and it's going to be another hot one and once again I didn't get out early enough.  I did do some stepping inside, not enough and am running out of time to get more in.  A bit of swimming around the dam.

I feel like I should be fitter than I am, I should be fitter than I am..but my fitness does reflect the effort put in so that says it all really.

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