Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Coffee at 5.30 this morning then breakfast of 2 Weetbix at 7. Daughter T rang soon afterwards saying she was halfway out and to get ready to ride back in with her. I decided to walk as it was a bit windy. But! I walked. We actually *ran* a bit between power poles...she is faster and better at it than me. Coming back by myself a also *ran* between power poles. Not as fast and not as many but still. Had a boiled egg not long after getting home. A coffee then a sardine and salad wrap at 11.30 as an early lunch. Visitor in the afternoon and by the time she left I was needing something to eat so had mushroom and egg which didn't do the job so finished with 2 slices toast with honey and cheese. Then was sick so serves me right! Bed early as I was still feelong crook. I hate that, it's always worrying feeling so sick after having mushrooms...I need to make sure that I have pre prepared healthy food available at all times. And no cheese inside...


  1. Yay you for the walk and run... and yay T for being the inspiration. Whoda thunk it :D

    That is a link to a healthy food blog - and that post in particular about menu planning and prepping in advance. I was reading it this morning and it seems very appropriate for your post!

  2. Oh and I hope you feel better.
